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General Information


Our prayer is that this co-op community will be just one extension of the many opportunities already provided through HOME for members. Our hope is to come alongside one another to provide needed support, encouragement, and academic rigor as we seek to educate our children through a Biblical worldview in community with other like-minded families.


Initial Requirements:

All participating families are required to be HOME members in good standing, including completed membership process (new families) and annual dues up to date (all families). All co-op fees must be paid in full by the given deadlines. All families must sign and adhere to HOME’s Code of Conduct. In addition, all families must sign HOME’s Statement of Faith, agreeing not to detract from it on community day. All teachers will sign HOME’s Statement of Faith, attesting that it accords with their personal beliefs and that they strive to live as such. All leaders must agree to allow HOME to do a current background check.


What is being offered?

A once weekly meeting day for elementary, middle and high school students centered on academic objectives and challenging learning growth. For elementary students, class subjects will involve the areas of science, language arts, writing, history, recitation, and fine arts. Junior high and high school subjects will include the areas of history, literature/composition, science, philosophy/logic, and math exploration. High school courses will be selected based on NC graduation requirements. Foreign languages and a full math curriculum will not be covered on community day. Parents will pursue these subjects at home, based on the individual needs of their students. Any additional classes will be based on the willingness and availability of the teacher(s).

For more information, please email [email protected].